Should I Rent a Dumpster?

You should rent a dumpster if performing cleanup jobs that require refuse removal that simply can’t be handled by a pickup or trailer. These jobs may include major renovations, construction, or extensive yard work. Makeaway Dumpster Rental offers affordable dumpsters to keep your work site tidy and the projects flowing.

What Dumpsters Can I Rent in Amherst, Ohio?

Several dumpster services are available in Amherst, Ohio, that range in length from 11 cubic yards to 40 cubic yards:

  • Roll-off dumpster: A roll-off dumpster is a popular option for those who want to get rid of a large quantity of stuff. There might be restrictions as to what can be loaded into this dumpster. The roll-off dumpster is simply dropped off by a special truck that rolls it onto the curb.
  • Hoarding cleanup dumpster: Cleaning out a house where hoarding has taken place can be a daunting task. A hoarding dumpster is a good option as you can use it to dispose of a variety of things. Simply ask the dumpster company to tell you which items are allowed.
  • Junk-removal dumpster: This option is ideal if you need to get rid of old appliances, yard junk and furniture.
  • Residential dumpster: This is the ideal fit for the DIY renovator who wants to get rid of remodeling debris, such as old carpeting and cabinetry. The contents are restricted, as they go to a landfill which only allows certain refuse. For example, garden refuse requires a yard dumpster.
  • Construction dumpster: Construction debris, such as plywood, roofing materials, flooring, doors and windows, can go into this dumpster type.
  • Roofing materials dumpster: This dumpster is ideal for roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles, wooden shingles, tiles, wood, felt paper and roofing gravel.
What Does It Cost to Rent a Dumpster?

Rental cost varies by size, waste type, and usage length. You can expect the pay around the following for a seven-day rental of various dumpster sizes.

11 cubic yards (12′ x 7.5′ x 43″) = $315.
15 cubic yards (12′ x 7.5′ x 62″) = $365.
20 cubic yards (12′ x 7.5′ x 76″) = $415.
25 cubic yards (16′ x 7′ x 6′) = $465.

Please note that these prices are estimates. There is a $10 per day fee for dumpsters kept after the seven-day rental period. In addition, there is a $30 charge for air conditioners and refrigerators. The extra charge covers the disposal of the refrigerant used in those appliances. You also cannot put hazardous materials, oxygen and propane tanks, industrial drums and railroad ties into any of our dumpsters. Separate disposal arrangements need to be made for those types of materials.